Tuesday, April 23, 2024

My new kitchen helper


It wasn't a good night of sleep because I had to keep moving to get comfortable. Sigh. I woke up as Chris was getting dressed for work. I went in to rumination and when I came out, he was gone. It was almost 7:30.

I checked messages. I listened to videos. I tried to thread the serger. I wasn't sure how and I couldn't see the little holes well enough. I had to look for a video. I found one that was for a very similar machine. After watching it, I sent it to Stirling to see if he wanted to buy it. But no.

I went cleaning for 2.5 hours, mostly floors and baseboards. Then I came home for breakfast. I assembled the StirMate and used it to stir the goat milk until it was time to make cheese. I added the vinegar and left it stirring. Then I strained out the curds and collected three quarts of whey.

I walked to the post office for mail. I slid in a box that someone left outside the swap shop door. I saw that the barber shop was being painted. Maybe we'll get a barber soon.

I read outside, barefoot. When I came in, I looked through the list of requested hymns. I added the key signatures, then chose two that were alike. I wrote the numbers on the back of an envelop and put it in my purse.

I went to band at the chapel. I didn't have list of hymns. Hmmm. I played show tunes with Keli and Sophia. Then I picked the one hymn I could remember and we played that.

I went home, and worked on my blog while heating tea. I stripped a head of lettuce and planted the heel. Chris was doing laundry. We watched two episodes of Walker Texas Ranger. They added the theme song to the awful opening sequence and it was so much better.

Then we folded laundry. I read e-mail, then got ready for bed. Chris went to bed. I put on a sleep 'video' and listened to it while lying in the recliner. I covered up with my new cooling blanket. I was annoyed when ads would come on, so I got up and went to bed.

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