Sunday, April 21, 2024

Oh the projects we'll make!


I got up around 8, having not slept well. I took the last of the probiotic. I checked messages. I took the morning supplements. I looked for hints to the game. I parsed out a weeks worth of supplements, but I wasn't feeling right. I read more Star Trek memes before I realized I was wasting time. I searched for a reference to RLS in my notes but could not find it.

I took a shower, then made and ate breakfast. I listened to an interview with Dr. William Pepper, a lawyer who investigated the assassination of Martin Luther King. He died earlier this month. He had written a book giving evidence that was never heard before the trial in 1999. King did not die from the gunshot, but rather from being smothered in the hospital by agents as health care workers were being shooed from his room.

Sewing class: I went to the chapel and set up the room with two machines. Then I started working on a sample of the heating pad project. Saronna came with her kids. They all chose to make the stuffed airplane. I helped Willhelm, but the girls did pretty well all on their own. Sophia gave hers to Jedidiah, who was the one who requested this project.

It was over early, so I went home. Not much later, I went to the commissary. When I got back, I put groceries away. Then I read a book out in the sun. I came in and laid on the recliner.

I was almost asleep when the phone rang. Michelle wanted me to come over to record a short video clip for inserting in a longer video. So I put on my shoes and went over to 2nd street. We met at Saronna's house and sat in Michelle's car to make the clip. Then I went home.

I read some e-mail then heated ground beef for supper. Then I went to the chapel for Project Night. Summer and her mother were waiting. I unlocked the door and we went in. Summer set her kids up with headphones and a pad showing a movie. Stirling and Meryann came. They decided to do the heating pad project and brought a big container of rice. Casey brought his electronic project to work on. Summer's mother made the airplane and then the knot bag. (You see, the airplane was just a gateway project) Jenni brought clothes to alter. I looked at Summer's machine to get it running. But it was missing a bobbin case. I finished the heating pad and laid out some hexagons. The chaplain asked that I read a verse for Project Nights, so Casey volunteered one: 2 Kings, chapter 18, verse 27. I started reading it out loud but could not continue. Who knew?

Before 9, we packed up. I went home and took supplements, I rubbed some progesterone on my wrist. I watched an episode of Call the Midwife. Then I worked on my blog. Finally it was time to go to bed.

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