Wednesday, April 24, 2024

My first try at installing a screen protector


I woke up early to use the bathroom, then went back to sleep. I woke up around 7:30. My hands ached, which puzzled me until I remembered eating canned food yesterday. And a jar of spicy salsa. I got up and got dressed. I brushed and took supplements. I put on some music and washed out all the dishes of sprouting carrots and celery and cabbage. Only one carrot survived. Most of the others are ready to be planted.

I watched a video on how to replace a screen protector. Same brand as the one I acquired. I thought I knew what I was doing. I took the case apart. I took the old layer off and laid it on the new one and cut around it (since it was for a different, larger, model). Then I washed my hands and followed the directions. But something went wrong and I had to pull off an extra layer, which was so strongly attached that it pulled the protective layer off. So I added a few steps of my own. The result was passable, so I reassembled the case.

I went to clean for 2 hours, working on floors, mopping, scrubbing and re-mopping. I came home for breakfast. I read outside for some period of time. I came in and listened to interviews.

I made a plan for a weighted blanket 11 sq by 13 sqs. I laid out the cooling blanket and marked off 4 inch columns. I started sewing the layers along those lines. Then my phone rang. It was Steve asking me to open the swap shop so he could do some work there after he got off of work. So I ran down there and unlocked the doors. I came back and finished sewing the columns. But they were too short, so I laid it out in a larger space and drew in the missing lines.

I walked down to the swap shop to talk to Steve. We had a nice chat. Then I walked home. Chris was already home. I heated leftovers and made a salad. I read e-mail as I ate. Then I finished sewing the channels in the blanket. I threw it on the washing machine.

I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched two episodes of WTR. I stayed up listening to 70's music after Chris went to bed. Then I went to bed, hoping to be more relaxed. But sleep was a long time coming.

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