Saturday, April 27, 2024

Two weighted blankets!


Chris got up around 8 and took a shower. I got up later, not sure I slept any better for having the weighted blanket. Despite my fears that it would be too heavy, it seemed not to be heavy enough. I brushed and swished, washed up and got dressed. I put the blanket in a bag with the magnet stone and went to the chapel.

When I got there, Sophia and Wilhelm were waiting, with umbrellas. I unlocked the chapel and let them in. Since I am technically not allowed to be alone with them in the building, I stood in the doorway and waited for Saronna to arrive. Why they would choose to walk in the rain is beyond me. But the air was fresh and clear.

So we all went to the fellowship hall. I worked with Sophia while the boys played with the magnet. Then I worked with Moira while Sophia played School Bus with the other kids. At 10 they went home. I laid out my weighted blanket to ponder how to add weight to the outside. Then I noticed that some squares had broken stitching and the filling had fallen into the adjacent square. Sigh. I packed it up and went home.

I made and ate breakfast. I added items to the shopping list. Then we went to Tooele for a grocery run, listening to the book on CD. When we got back, we stopped at the commissary for a few last things. Then we went home to put up the groceries. Chris put beef ribs in the oven and I listened to an interview with Bryan Ardis: Ozempic (Wegovy, etc) is made from hila monster venom, and can paralyze the stomach and intestines for years after discontinuation.

I went to the apartment to assess the situation. Steve walked up with me, carrying my stepladder while I carried a tub of cleaners. I got the key from the lockbox and went inside. He came in to help open the windows. I thanked him and he went next door to his apartment. I walked through the rooms, noting what was left and whether it was trash. I picked up bits of trash from the floor. I looked in the fridge and texted Saronna. I put hot ammonia water in the meat drawer and loaded it with filters and burner bowls. I placed it in the oven. I cleaned in the kitchen.

I was about to go home when Jamie arrived. I showed her what I found. We went through all the swap shop stuff. She found some things her son would like. And then, we found TWO weighted blankets. Wished I'd seen them several days ago! So she carried the blankets to my car and I carried a small bag of pickings and something of hers. We walked to the parking lot and put stuff in her truck. She put the blankets in my car. And I went home.

I finished the mushrooms. The bacon was done as was the sweet potato. I ate part of the potato. We took the 5 gallon water jug to the refill station and refilled it. Chris did the lifting.

I worked on my blog in anticipation of Game Night. It took longer than I thought so I rushed out with the cheese and forgot the game notebook. When I got there, they were not to be found. The game was up, but I talked to the dog for a few seconds and it disappeared. So I sat until Michelle noticed me. Then Casey put in his password and the game came back. I gave her the cheese. We talked as I loaded the game.

Getting the color wheel was easy, but finding my way back to Serenia was harder. Then I followed paths to the old dream chamber and used the color wheel to decide where to put all the colored dots. It took some time, but got easier as I went. Then I could open the door and go inside. I explored inside and finally went up the stairs.

I found Yeesha strapped to a chair. She begged me to pull the silver lever to free her, but Achenar showed up and told me to pull the golden one because Yeesha was inhabited by Sirrus, whose body I saw in a life tube downstairs. I saved the game at that point. Michelle told me to pull the gold lever, so I did. Yeesha slumped backward, and Achenar said he would give a little extra life to the old flower, but I had to go into Dream and free Yeesha from Sirrus.

So I did. I was presented with a puzzle to organize lines of a conversation between Sirrus and Yeesha and to put them with the object they were associated with. Easy enough, except that you can only move a whole stack at a time. Then the top one drops off and becomes the bottom one of the next stack. Kinda frustrating, but doable. Michelle looked up hints and found out that there is a more difficult version in store when I finish this one.

It was after 11, so I shut the game down. However we continued to talk for some time. Then I went home. Chris was already in bed. I did my bedtime routine and took the first weighted blanket from the apartment with me to bed.

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