Monday, October 5, 2009

First quilt meeting of the month

Today was the first Monday meeting of the quilt group for the month of October. SO, we didn't make any quilts for charity, we had a meeting and did Show and Tell instead. I demo'd the block of the month (Churndash) and handed each one a 4 1/2 inch square to match colors to. We also looked through magazines and shared ideas, and not only on the subject of quilting. The Pfaff dealer came and repaired several machines brought in by members. We packed up a little early after lunch.

Pam dropped me off at my gate. Michele was home when I arrived so it seemed like she hadn't left, when actually she left just after I did and had just returned when I got home. I got on my computer to check e-mail and follow links. Today the links to me to websites listing all the dangers of MSG and Aspartame. They are 'excitotoxins', my new word for the day. The least dangerous thing about Aspartame is that it blocks the chemical that tells your brain when you are full. Great diet aid, huh?
After supper, we all got on our computers. I checked all our food packages for MSG, but got confused by all the alternate names for it. Then I sent out an e-mail to all the quilters and would-be quilters to tell them what a wonderful time we had this morning (in case they missed it).

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