Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Our 19th anniversary

So, what does one do for their anniversary? Well, shopping and exercise were suggested to me. So this is what happened:
First we had breakfast and answered e-mail. I had to write a file of instructions for the Block of the Month and upload it to our yahoo group. Then we went to the post. Chris got won, while I looked for fiber and/or protein supplements without aspartame or stearic acid, or a number of other questionable additives. No luck. So I went to the PX and GNC. No luck there either. Then we went to Chris' office because he had to take care of one last thing, but it took awhile. Then we drove to Hyon's apartment where we sat and talked for awhile with her and her friend Linda. Then we all went in Hyon's car to a house on the outskirts of town. Beautiful back yard, and view of the city! We were there with several others to see a Korean martial arts demonstration called Soo Bahk Do. After the demonstration, we all participated in trying it out. After some more talking and snacks, we were driven back to Hyon's apt. She gave me a large bag of denim for the purse class. Then Chris and I drove home to change our clothes. We parked at the Itaewon gate and walked to THE MOGHUL, and Indian restaurant (for our anniversary). It was like a greenhouse, with the glass walls pulled back and the glass roof partly open. While enjoying our meal, we watched a man make nan (Indian flat bread) in a stone oven. He rolled out the dough into a large round, then used a larger flat stone to stick the dough onto the side of the oven. When he thought it was done, he pulled it out with tongs. I wish I had a picture of that, but didn't have a purse to match my dress so no camera.
When we got back Michele was watching CasaBlanca on TV. I got on my computer to answer more e-mails and send out a bunch of notices to the quilters yahoo group. Being president is time-consuming! Finally I have finished and am ready to go to bed.

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