Friday, October 23, 2009

Group order (like a group hug, only harder to calculate)

It's Friday and I get to stay home! Who-hoo! I thought I would get so much done. I cleared out my e-mail, then started in on my sewing room. I got a call from Cathy saying she was at the longarm and did I want to come over and help. Well, I did, but then Mr. Kim wanted to set up a meeting for the quilters on Nov 2nd, so I had to put that out to the group and put it on the calendar, which I have yet to do. Then I started getting e-mails about a group order I am putting together for rulers and stuff from Joann's because they are having a sale. Somehow that took all afternoon. I had to decide what I wanted to order so I could finalize it. They didn't have everything I wanted. (So now I have a Christmas list) Also got invited to go to Dongdaemun tomorrow. Well, why not? Dongdaemun hasn't seen me since Wednesday. So at 4 I put in the order to Joanns and use the online coupon that I thought was for 10% off the shipping, which was good since we were planning to split the shipping. But it took 10% off the total order instead. So I guess I have to recalculate everyone's order and then re-spit the shipping by percentage of total order cost. But, even though I am a mathematician and enjoy figuring things down to the last cent, I don't want to deal with loose change. Can I just charge each one a rounded dollar figure?
Chris came home late and made chicken for supper. It was SOOOO good. I walked down to the vegetable man and bought some more persimmons. I don't think I'd ever had one before I came here. But, oh, they are so soft and sweet. They look just like a tomato. Then I read a story on-line. Cute, but I don't feel like I need to rush out and buy the next installment.
Here is a picture I took in the thrift shop yesterday.

1 comment:

Gwenda said...

Dale has been after me to make chicken soup. Maybe this week I'll get to that.

We used to have a persimmon tree in the woods behind our house. It's been years since I've had one.