Thursday, October 29, 2009

Unfinished blocks

I spent the early morning working on my scrap blocks. Then I walked to the thrift shop. There weren't many books or other items to shelve, so I weeded through the software, CD games, etc and labeled the sections so people will buy them. I also marked a bunch of CD's down to $1 to make room for the ones in the back. At 2 I left and went home. I worked some more on my scrap blocks until it was time to go to quilt class. I didn't get there as early as I had hoped. But Cathy had just gotten there and the room was already set up. So all we had to do was bring in irons, cutting tools, and a few machines. At 8:30 we packed it all up and left. I drove home. I wanted to finish up the blocks but got sidetracked by the computer. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.

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