Friday, December 4, 2009

The all-day quilt

Usually I get to stay home on Friday so I kinda let time get away from me while reading my morning e-mail. Cathy J invited me to help her quilt Cathi F's top this morning at 9:15. Well, by the time I arrived, it was after 10. I drove instead of walking because it was faster and hurt less. But they were just getting started. Cathy J had to leave part way through, so I took over. I actually did better than I thought I would running the Statler. But it was a big quilt and it took all day, what with thread breakage, etc., even though it was an edge-to-edge. Cathy J did come back, thankfully. At 4:30 I left to pick up the mail at Chris' office. There was a box (of vitamins and supplements). Its always nice to get a package, even if I already know what's in it. I drove home in the evening traffic, but I did surprizingly well, since I tense up in such situations. Michele wasn't home, so I raided the fridge again. Soon I will have eated or thrown all the leftovers. It will be nice to see the back wall again. Some things have been in there for months. When the beef is gone, I plan to cook the bison burgers.

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