Saturday, December 12, 2009

Clean up, clean up...

I promised myself that I would clean the apartment today. Stuff everywhere! Then Cathy called about 11 to say that she was finished on the longarm and it was open if I wanted to use it. Well, I do have a top that needs quilting, so it was a tempting offer. But I stuck to my plan. Probably because I also have another plan, to finish the top's twin and quilt them both at the same time, same backing and batting.
So after sweeping the place and picking up here and there, I finished the twin top except for the final border. I also made a piece of woodland scene fabric into a wallhanging. I put my computer in hibernate mode while I did all of that because according to my history file, my computer surfs the net more than I do. And I just don't think it is old enough to be out on its own. Ha. Actually I think someone may be accessing somehow. Even when I am away from it, the screen goes blank, but then comes right back, as if I were moving the mouse, but I am not. So 'Hibernate' is the good word for today.
Yesterday I was reading that some people claim eating apricot seeds cured their cancer, and that is what Laetril is made from. Today I didn't have time to read much on-line. I did read a few chapters in a book. That was kind of nice.

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