Thursday, December 17, 2009

Colorful pillowcases

I woke up this morning with a sore throat which I felt coming on during the night. So I got up and put a cottonball in my ear. As I went about my morning routine, I felt better. I dressed warmly and walked to the thrift shop. Does the phrase 'colder than a brass toilet seat' ring a bell? Brrr.
There weren't a lot of books to shelve, so I spent most of my time reorganizing videos, cassette tapes, and the discount media. We did have some records to shelve, and they go on the top shelf. Luckily someone had put a toy box in the bookroom so I stood on it. About 3, Maryann took Helle and I to our gates so we didn't have to walk. God bless Maryann. I made sure I had everything for class, and read through some of my e-mail. Chris came home and made a chuckroast, but I had to leave. So he helped me carry stuff to the car. Not only did I have fabric, but also the Joanns order. I went to the SPC only to find that someone had filled our storage room with a drum set. That made getting the tools and such very difficult. But then some ladies came and got their husbands to move it. I was a little afraid that with temps in the teens no one would show up. But we had a great turnout. Some were first-timers. And more kids. We made pillowcases for kids with cancer. The girls were so excited with their first ones that the mother asked if they could keep them and make others to replace those. I was able to hand out most of the Joanns order, with only 1 item missing. Then everyone helped to clean up. And it was even colder. I drove home. I got on my computer to finish checking e-mail. But it is cold in here because the window is open. That is because the airconditioner cable was run out the window. I have it stuffed with batting, but can still feel the breeze.

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