Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dark Disney

This is a double post because we turned in early last night. I should have made myself get up and post because now I can't remember what I did on Saturday. I know that I DIDN'T work at the thrift shop even though they asked me to. It was cold outside and I had stuff to do around the house. I am not saying I got that 'stuff' done. A friend of Michele's came over around 5:30. We had supper then all went to the movies. We saw "The Princess and the Frog". It was pretty dark for a Disney Movie. And one of the good guys died. I wanted to stand up and shout 'Nobody dies in a Disney movie, I want my money back!'. But since it was free, I kept quiet.
After the movie, we drove Kim to the subway station. Then we went home to bed.

I woke up feeling guilty for eating a bunch of sugar-covered doughnuts. They were so good I just couldn't help myself. Then I realized that it was only a dream. Phew!!
Then we got up and dressed for church. Church was the usual. Afterwards we had snacks. We went over to the PX for wrapping paper, then to the Arts and Crafts center to cut down a closet shelf. Finally we went to the commissary for groceries. I got 4 avacados. I never had them before, but they are supposed to be a source of good fat. My goal is to add good fats to my diet. It might even be working, because my husband said I looked smaller. And if HE noticed...
I read for awhile, and Chris made me some egg salad for lunch. Then I made three baby quilt tops in preparation for tomorrow. I also assembled all the stuff I plan to take. Only then did I get on the internet. IT is the biggest time consumer I have ever seen.

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