Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Eve

Midnight is rapidly approaching so I am going to type quickly.
The internet was still out this morning, so I read the newspaper Faye sent, a book that I borrowed from a friend, and made a baby quilt top. I was listening to a meditation session from the Neurotransmitter software and fell asleep. When I woke up, Chris went to post to check the mail. He returned with packages! One had two printer cartridges (apparently they duplicated my order), and one had Christmas presents from my mom. Thanks Mom. I just ran out of cacao nibs, so your timing is perfect! Michele liked her scarves, and Chris was glad to get coffee and fruit cake.
And gee, my 2009 calendar runs out today so the quilt calendar is perfect!
Michele was bored without internet so she suggested Monopoly. That can be a long game but I figured it wouldn't last past the fixing of the internet. The guy showed up as we were passing out the money, but it took him awhile to diagnose and fix the problem. Then life was back to normal.
I opened my e-mail to find 60+ messages waiting for me. So I started digging. I learned that tires should be considered expired after 6 years - whether they have been used or not. Some stores are selling 12 year old tires. You can check the date by reading a 3 or 4 digit code which is the last number on the tire. See "aged tires - hidden danger" on Youtube.
I also learned about the dangers of flouride. Yes, that stuff they put in toothpaste. Read the back of the tube, all of it. It accumulates in your bones and is bad for your thyroid. Google the MSDS on sodium flouride. I now brush my teeth with baking soda.
Its midnight - gotta kiss my husband. Happy New Year, everyone!

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