Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Another impromptu adventure

Chris did not ask for a sandwich so I slept in. It was after nine when I got up. Partly that was due to the rain. The dismal light coming in the window made the time seem earlier than it was. I showered, dressed, ate, and collected the recyclables to drop off on my way to post. By the time I arrived at the thrift shop, it was 11. I shelved books and videos for over three hours. I took a break to eat my squid, and pick up a few things I thought I could use. I paid for them with thrifty bucks. I called Julia to see what she wanted to do, and she suggested going to a restaurant in Itaewon after her appointment. I dropped in on Cathy to show her something and found out that no one had come by to help her do the latest quilt of valor, after all their talk yesterday. So I stayed until it was finished. Then I parked at the gas station gate and walked into Itaewon, thinking Julia would call at any time to say she was on her way. First I searched out the Mind Body Seoul place, but when I found the business it is supposed to be located by, there were no signs for it. So I walked all around, down back streets and such, amusing myself and passing time. There were lots of things I would have taken pics of if I had had my camera, but I had left it in my other purse last night: pig snouts and discarded tentacles, just to name a few. Then Julia did call, and I went into the subway to wait for her. I silently blessed each person who passed, to keep myself busy and I am certain I got well over a hundred. (I am reading an e-book on the power of blessing on the twolisteners.org site.) When she arrived, we went to the restaurant, ordered beef and octopus and had the usual side dishes. Most of the people there were Americans. We enjoyed our meal, split the cost, and walked to the Foreign Market. It is a grocery store where you can buy items from other countries. Still, it would be small by American standards. Then we parted ways, and I walked back to post. It had been raining all day, and my feet were soaked, so I called Chris and asked him to come get me so I wouldn't have to walk home (my gate closes at 7). As a testament to what a good husband he is, he came. Back home, I just had to have some more kimchi. Restaurants just don't serve in quantity. Then I went to my computer to read all the accumulated e-mail. I learned about Face Yoga for minimizing the signs of aging. I also read about the effects of microwaving food: "Structural degradation leading to decreased food value was found to be 60 to 90 percent overall for all foods tested, with significant decreases in bioavailability of B complex vitamins, vitamins C and E, essential minerals, and lipotropics (substances that prevent abnormal accumulation of fat). "
**This picture is from our meeting yesterday**

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