Thursday, May 6, 2010

The usual Thursday

I don't remember what I did this morning before I went to the thrift shop. Oh yes, I found out that my latest burned DVD is also defective. I may have to break down and buy some new ones. Anyway, here is the path I took from my apartment to post. It is beautiful, but I rarely see it because the path is so uneven that I am walking head down focusing on my footing. I got in my car and it wouldn't start. Just before panic hit, I realized that I had left the car in 'drive'. It started easily in 'park'. There weren't many books at the thrift shop, but we certainly had more than our share of VHS, mostly kids stuff. There wasn't room for them all even though I threw out a bag full and gave another box full to charity. Then I went to the PX to get a copper scrubbie, and got some cards, too. My sister's 50th birthday is just around the corner. Glad I'm not that old. Then I started looking for something shaped like a pyramid to use for a mold. Nothing at the PX or the Four Seasons, or Daiso. Finally I went home, and spent some time clearing e-mail. I listened to part of a talk from a neuroscientist about the 6 reasons civilizations fail, and how the internet may help us prevent each of them. Then it was time for class. When I arrived, the room was full of tables. Apparently the high school had been using it for standardized testing. Well, we didn't move the tables, just used them as they were. Some people worked on QOV, and some on baby quilts. They elected to have a class on making wrap and tie pants next week. They also want to go shopping as a group for rip stop nylon to make parafoils (kites). After class, I parked inside the gate and walked around through gate 52, then home. It's like parking on your chin, and walking around your elbow to get to your nose. I had a bite to eat, then back to the computer. **Here is a pic of fabric I got in Dongdaemun. Too cool!**

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