Sunday, May 23, 2010

Coming in late didn't help

We were just in time for the start of church. Not a bit early. No time to get asked to take up the offering later. But during the passing of the peace (which is right before the offering) we got nabbed. Not that it is a big deal, but after the one Sunday when the offering plates were missing and we couldn't find them, I would rather leave it to someone else. After church, one of the pastors made a little speech about how the army is short of money and might not see the need for both of our pastors if attendance doesn't rise. We stopped at the commissary for groceries on the way home. Guess what I just happened to see? Alum! It must be McCormick season. Then we went home. I tried to enter the Arts and Crafts contest, but it wouldn't take my id and password. Chris and Michele then went to see a movie, while I got ready for a sewing student. Then she called and moved it back an hour. Gee, I could have gone to the movie (but Chris said later I wouldn't have liked it). She had a little trouble finding the place and I went outside to stand on the hill and watch for her. The lesson took about 2 hours. She went home. Chris and Michele came back from the movie and had supper. I ate some pork and cabbage. I was supposed to have another student at 7, but she never e-mailed me for directions. Good thing I didn't cancel something to schedule her in. AFter a little nap, I got on my computer to copy some affirmation phrases from a book. Page after page after page. I am up to 3000 words and not even half way through the alphabet. The good news is that my typing is improving. If you are wondering about the alphabet thing, the book lists physical conditions and the affirmations that are supposed to ease them. I am only copying the affirmations. I figure I'll get everything sooner or later. **This is a pic of rooftop parking in Dongdaemun.**

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