Saturday, May 22, 2010

While Michele and Chris played a mod this morning, I cleaned in the bathroom, kitchen and sewing room. My in-laws called me on Skype. They wanted to talk to Chris too, but he was busy. Around noon, another mod started, to which I was invited. But just then Faye got through on Skype. I had been trying to call her on and off all morning with no success. So, my sister being more important than any mod, I talked to her until she went to bed, then joined the mod already in progress. I don't think they missed me. In this adventure we were following someone, but by the time we caught up with them, they had been murdered. Some adventure, huh? I took a short nap, then spent more time cleaning up my sewing room (in anticipation of having sewing students tomorrow). We thought we were having company tonight, but he never showed up. After clearing e-mail, and deleting a larger percentage than ever, I made myself another 30 minute affirmation track.
I forgot to say yesterday that I went to the commissary to get alum. They didn't have it. The manager said it was a seasonal item. I asked which season, and he replied "McCormick".
Also, on the way into the commissary I ran into Mrs. Sharp, choosing bedding plants. She asked me about several and was impressed with my knowledge. I wish her luck. Being the general's wife, I'll bet she has someone to water and weed for her.
**This is Beth Anne's going-away present**

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