Saturday, May 8, 2010

Surrounded by gamers

I slept in a little after being up so late last night working on my hat. Then I spent some time cleaning the apt because we were going to have company later. You'd only know it got cleaner if you had seen 'before' and 'after' photos. The afternoon was spent playing an on-line mod while sewing on my hat. Hats can be a lot of work. Still not finished. Anyway, Michele and I had some chili, and afterwards we all watched a movie. Then a man who is from France, but lived in England for awhile, came over. He speaks English with a British accent. His big interest is in live role-gaming, so of course Chris invited him over. We had a good time talking to him about languages, etc. Since he had seconds (on chili) we invited him to come back next week. We practically had to kick him out at 11:30 so he would catch the last train back to his place.

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