Sunday, May 30, 2010

We are the chosen ones

Today we went to church - ALL of us, even Michele. That was good because her birthday is tomorrow and she had to stand up and admit it in front of everyone. The title refers to being picked during the passing of the peace to collect the offering. I haven't figured out why lately we have been chosen so often. Who PSC'd and left us the job? At least the offering plates were where they are supposed to be. Nancy gave the sermon today and her husband Rick was taping it (for future interviews, I think). We had a fellowship hour afterwards. Then we came home and changed clothes. We drove to Camp Coiner to a walk-in gate close to Outback restaurant. But the gate was closed so we had to park at the next open gate and walk. As you may imagine, the menu was a bit different from that in the states. Each meat item listed what country the meat came from. None of it from the U.S. I had a grilled chicken salad with mango. My in-laws ordered an appetizer with coconut onions rings. See pic. After much conversation, we walked back to post. We stopped at Rick and Nancy's apartment for some travel brochures and an atlas. Then to the commissary for ice cream and finally home. I thought we would have a light supper later, but the others never got hungry I guess. I had some kimchi as I took yesterday's purchase out of its bag and put it into jars. There was extra juice, so I stuffed spinach in it. Everything tastes better with white kimchi juice on it. I answered some of my e-mail and put in another vitamin order. I only needed one thing, but because of shipping charges, I ordered a few other things that I am not out of yet. I checked out, recommended by my brother-in-law. The ones I watched weren't all that funny. Then took pics of my flowers. The gladiolas are blooming more each day. Too bad they are cut flowers. They are so beautiful.

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