Monday, May 3, 2010


Because this morning was the first Monday of the month, we met at Carina's house for show and tell, and secret sister, AND most importantly, the spring block exchange. Some people did not have all their blocks, so we first exchanged with those who were leaving this summer. Then we all got in on the fun. Some people couldn't be there so they asked me to collect their blocks. At one point I was collecting for three other people and myself. I had a piece of paper to mark them down so I would remember. The party wrapped up around 2:30. Helle and I went to the SPC to sort out fabric and kits in the storage closet. Then I drove to a parking lot where Sarabeth and I went through all the sets of blocks to make sure each got what they were supposed to get minus the ones who didn't show up, or didn't have enough, etc. What a task! Then I parked at the gate and walked home. I was feeling sorry for Chris having to share his car with me and having extra to do at work because his boss is on bereavement leave. So I called someone recommended by a group member to fix my car. The man came to the car (actually he had trouble finding it and I had to go searching for him on foot). He jumped it from a jump pack, then tested the battery and alternator. He said it needed both. I agreed, and he put in a new battery WHILE IT WAS STILL RUNNING! Then I followed him in my car to his car shop off post. While I waited, he changed out the alternator, and replaced a tire. I called Chris a number of times during this process to make sure he was ok with what was going on. I wasn't sure how to get back to post in the heavy traffic, so Chris walked to me from home, and brought Korean money too. Isn't he a dear? When the man was finished, I gave him all my won, and all of Chris' won, and $20 - about $200 in all. Not a bad price, and where else can you get such service? Chris drove us home. We had supper and fudge. When Michele got home, we all shared an Asian pear.

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