Saturday, October 9, 2010

What a Productive Day!

First, I got to sleep in. Then I picked up on the star block where I left off. I created another layout and sewed it all together. Amazingly, the block was a perfect 24.5 inches! And I have enough triangles left to make another one. Then when Chris finished his on-line gaming, we walked my bike to a bike store. One of the men adjusted the brakes, and the handle bars, did some oiling and inflation, and he only wanted 7000 won for that. I asked about the price of a used bike and he said $800. The new ones were more like $1400, and they folded up really small. So Chris took me to the Four Seasons (on post) and I found one for $80 that fits me much better. We had a heck of a time getting it in the car, but somehow we managed. When we got home, Chris put supper in the oven. After supper, he and I walked down to the river to watch the fireworks from the fireworks festival. In the U.S. we shoot them high enough for everyone to see from almost anywhere. But here in Seoul, they are low. So we ended up walking quite a ways to find a place where we could see between the buildings: just us and 10,000 of our closest friends. Chris had bought some folding chairs in a bag at the same store as the bike. So we had a nice place to sit and watch. We watched for over an hour, and by then it was getting cold, so we walked back. We stopped at the Banpo bridge to see that light and water show, too. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

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