Sunday, October 17, 2010

Church picnic

We got up at 8 for church. Chris wanted to be at the picnic site at 9. So I did not have time for breakfast. He left me with my car, where I read for 45 minutes, then drove to church. I sat with Beth. Pastor Stan mentioned that Chris was cooking for the picnic in his sermon. After church I took 4 people with me to the picnic site. It was a little windy so I stood near the coals to keep warm. Chris and Pookie (actually her name is something like Puk Hui) had pans of hotdogs and steaks all grilled up and they were starting the hamburgers. When everyone had arrived, Pastor Gene said a prayer, and we ate. As it got colder and I shivered a lot, Pastor Stan lent me his jacket. When I finished eating, I went to stand by the coals again. Later, after all the extra food was given out, Chris took several choir members to gate 5, while I drove to the parking lot to wait for him. I read a book until he came for me. We went to the commissary for groceries. I forgot to get the bag of fabric Father Gene gave me from Hyon out of my trunk. So we went home, and put away groceries. I opened the two coconuts I bought, and put the juice and meat in a jar to ferment. I read through some e-mail on my computer, then we all watched "Underdog". During the movie, Chris paused it to make steak and baguette sandwiches for him and Michele. I ate the breakfast that I missed this morning. After watching "Underdog", we watched "The Incredibles". There is an incredible amount of special features on that DVD, and I got tired of that part and started cleaning up my sewing room. I wanted to do some sewing, but couldn't decide which project to work on. Finally I stitched some selvege edges together into a strip and crocheted them. Maybe it will be a rug, maybe nothing at all.

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