Thursday, October 28, 2010


I heard Michele moving around and it woke me up around 7:15. She was sick and decided not to go to college today. I had breakfast, read through my e-mail and started cleaning. Maryann called and offered to help later in the afternoon. I went to the thrift shop at 10:45. Thankfully there was a parking space open. I got a few videos shelved before our meeting with Col. Huber. He is the new garrison commander and Ella invited him to meet the staff and ask or answer questions. That took longer than I thought. He was very nice and easy to talk to. He is divorced and on his second or third tour in Korea. After the QnA, Ella served sub sandwiches and cakes. I got a salad out of it 'cause several people didn't want the veggies on their subs. I got a little more work done, and then headed out to the AnC center to get a 28" board to shore up the shelf over my sewing table. The boxes supporting it are squashing. On my way back to the thrift shop, I met Maryann and we talked until my student arrived. As we were walking to my apartment, she asked to stop at 7/11 to get a snack since she did not bring one. Then it took her awhile to 'get around' to preparing it (just needed hot water which we have on tap). Finally I got her to start sewing. She finished the 'rug' she started last week. It took longer than her lesson time and I had to stand there the whole time and supervise because there is no telling what she will get into. Last week it was my rotary blades. When her mother finally came to pick her up, she asked if I wanted more money for having kept her longer and I declined, but maybe should have said yes. Maryann came over and we started cleaning. It was good to have someone here who has no emotional ties to the stuff and hasn't been ignoring certain areas over and over. But all too soon it was time for both of us to leave. She had to pick up her husband, and I had to go to class. I was later than I intended, and there were several other people there. They did not offer to help me set up. It looked like a low class, but the interested parties were just late. Liliam taught them how to make a drawstring jewelry bag. It went well except for the buttonhole. Then we packed up and they left. I stayed behind to talk to Lili who needed to vent. Then I drove home. I had trouble fitting my car in one of the tight spaces, as usual. And then remembered that last week I had made a decision to park in the subterranean lot, where I assume there is plenty of space. After walking up to our sixth floor apartment, I finally had supper. Then finished off all the new e-mail that came in.
Here is the pic I took of the small quilt Cathy longarmed. I hope the quilting shows. It is beautiful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the quilt, Miss the longarm:(