Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Don't eat my science experiment

After making him a sandwich, I went back to bed, but could not sleep. A mosquito kept buzzing me. I would then hide under the covers for awhile, and come up for air until the darn thing found me again. I gave it up at 8. I ate breakfast while perusing e-mail. I was trying to watch an on-line video of a quilting show but the connection kept disconnecting. Finally I gave that up, too. I went into the kitchen to have lunch and experiment. What to do with all these apples? Ferment them. So I got out my food processor attachment for my mixer. I chopped up apples very finely, and put the mash in a jar with a probiotic capsule. I also filled another small jar with mash for regular eating, and used a little for making another loaf of bread for Chris. Michele loves apple sauce, so I warned her not to eat my science experiment. While the dough was rising, I went into my sewing room to work on another big star (since I had so many pieces leftover from the first one.) I tried pieceing it in a different order to see if it would be more accurate. But I got the same or higher rate of do-overs. I was finally getting somewhere when Chris came home. I kept him company in the kitchen while he fixed an egg and cheese souffle for supper. Then he noticed that the bread. It was supposed to mix and bake in the machine, but it had risen so high that it popped the top on the machine (which turns it off). So I put it in a loaf pan to rise again and bake. We watched a movie while eating supper. The souffle was so good that we had a hard time leaving some for Michele. Then we ate some of the desserts we made last night. I went back to my computer after the movie. Chris went to bed because he has a 4am video-teleconference in the morning. Before I posted this blog, I made his sandwich for tomorrow.
* This pic is of a turtle ship (the spiney one on the right), invented by Admiral Yi to prevent the Japanese from boarding and capturing the ships. *

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