Monday, October 25, 2010


I awoke before the alarm went off, at least half an hour before. What was I thinking? But I got up anyway, had a shower, made breakfast, and checked the beans. They were finally soft enough to eat. But who wants beans for breakfast? I checked my e-mail, cut up some cheese for lunch, and headed out for quilting with my recyclables in hand. I dropped them off at the recycling center behind our building. I got to the South Post Chapel 15 minutes early. None of our group were there, so I started setting up by myself. Then a couple of guys came in to replace all the burnt out fluorescent bulbs. Hurray! I guess they waited until lots of them were out so it would be worth their time. After I finished setting up, Cathy came. Then a few others trickled in. I got so busy then that I forget what happened. Some worked on baby quilts, some on QOV. I made some pillowcases for QOV. Cathy worked on the donation quilt. We had lunch. We worked some more. It was 2:30 'till we got all packed and out. I planned to go by the AnC center, but it was right in the middle of after-school traffic. So I went home. Michele was just leaving for college. I read through my latest email, then added some tomatoes and leftovers to the beans, which were still cooking in the crockpot. The wind was howling, and it was cold in my sewing room, so I shut all the porch windows. Did I mention it was cold today? Just all of a sudden, too. I was trying to clean up in my sewing room, but ended up sewing. Could happen to anyone, right? Then Michele came home, and she put on a Hornblower movie. I got sucked in, even though I have seen it many times. When it was over, I went back to finish my project. It is a table runner made from someone else's leftover railfence blocks. SOMEONE told AFSC I would donate a tablerunner and placements to their auction. It wasn't me. So, ok, a tablerunner. With a backing and a couple of tassels, it should be nice. The fabric I was considering for the back was sold as silk, but I had to iron it with a steam iron to get the wrinkles out. Silk should have been ruined so I wondered if it really was. I burned a piece, and some of Michele's hair (from her brush) because I read that burning silk smells like burning hair. But I don't think they smelled the same. Then it was time to Skype Faye. While waiting for her, I posted this blog.

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