Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pillow time

I had the usual morning. Saw some videos on Youtube involving squirrels and Slinkies. Ha, ha. Went to the thrift shop at 11. We had more books that you could shake a stick at. And more came in while I was working. We also had three sewing machines that needed testing. I did them first. Then started on the books piled in the corner. It was 2pm when I finished those, and I didn't even get to the ones in the bin - never mind the CD's, DVD's, etc. Then I drove to the Daiso store where they were selling minki blankets for $1 to $5, depending on size. I bought a $5, and two $3 ones. I also got a scarf, and a bag of what looked like dog treats, but was told it was beef jerky. Sure. Anyway, then I went to Kennedy's house to check on her progress. She had planned to have the quilt half finished, but the sewing machine didn't cooperate. So I adjusted the tension and 'flossed' the discs. Then it seemed to go fine. I showed her how to press seams, and do intersections. She is an avid learner. Then I went home for a late lunch. I was on the computer watching one of Alex Anderson's videos when Chris came home. He fixed supper and Michele was home in time to eat with us. I went into my sewing room to make a pillow. I feel sorry for my student's mother 'cause she never did make the pillows her mother wanted. So I make one for her, and stuffed it with high-loft batting. That seemed too soft so I added some denser leftover batting strips in the middle. Strangely, every time I stuck my hand into the pillow to shift batting, I had the feeling I might suffocate.

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