Saturday, October 16, 2010

Bonus books and more blocks

We slept in until 8:30. Chris got up for his usual on-line gaming with Michele, and I had breakfast with my computer. Upon seeing all the dirty dishes in the sink, I remarked to Chris that I needed a wife to clean it up for me. He responded "Oh, is that what they do? I wouldn't know". Ha, ha. I did clean it up, so there.
In my e-mail I came across a book offer which included several e-books as bonuses. I have learned that bonus e-books are usually available on the net for free (no purchase required). So I went looking for them and found and read the first two. Somehow I got distracted from my computer and found myself in the sewing room choosing fabrics for a block for another auction quilt. While I was out, a man came to run the airconditioner hose through the wall instead of out the window. Hopefully this means no more mosquitoes. Hurray!
Then Romaric arrived for their weekly game. Chris drove us to Ichon where we bought kimchi, and found a Vietnamese restaurant. Romaric and I had the vegetarian platter, while Michele had curry and Chris had spring rolls. There was a large TV screen showing a Korean soap opera (we think) but with the sound turned off. So Michele and Romaric filled in the missing conversation based on the facial expressions of the characters. That was funny. Then we drove home. The three of them played their RPG while I made two blocks. Finally Romaric had to leave. Chris went to bed, and I alone am left to tell the tale.

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