Tuesday, October 26, 2010

She bought more fabric than I did

I was able to Skye my sister last night, but only with Michele's computer. I tried rebooting mine, but it didn't help. It was after midnight when we said goodbye and I went to bed. I woke up with the alarm at 8. It took a little willpower to get up and going. But I did. I had breakfast, took a shower, and packed everything I thought I would need for the day. I went to the thrift shop early since I knew MaryAnn would want me to go to Dongdaemun with her and Monique at 11:30. I brought in the Barbie doll in her new outfit, and the footpedal for the machine that matched mine. Ella and I had a little argument over my pulling books for a man collecting for the Good Neighbor program. He wants good children's books in good condition. Ella wants me to pull books for him, but not ones that will sell. So what does that leave? Nothing! It seems there is no way I can succeed in this task. Not only can I not please both of them, I can not please the manager at all because she doesn't realize that she is asking the impossible.
Then Maryann and Monique came over to buy laservideo discs for decorating for the AFSC auction. I left with them. We were supposed to go to D, but went to Monique's house to discuss how much fabric they needed. Finally we went, but Monique didn't have much time. We found her some dk blue fleece for her dog, and then a roll of black scarf fabric for swags. At the same place, we decided to get two rolls of purple, too, but had to wait for it to be delivered. Monique had to leave to attend a meeting. So Maryanne and I went to the Happy Quilt place to buy fabric until the purple rolls came. I also got a few other things I needed, and well as a few things other people asked for when they found out that I was going to Dongdaemun. Then we walked to the street full of food vendors. Maryann bought kimbap and hoduk. I bought two mandu's. And we shared. It was then that we realized that we had a problem. We could take the subway back to gate 17, but Monique's car wasn't there anymore. So we went back to gate 19 to catch the post bus. But then Monique finished her meeting and came to drive us to our cars. I took my weighty bag of fabric (and some persimmons I bought at the market) home. I then had a bag of persimmon soup. Oh well, I ate the split ones and refrigerated the rest. I had some leftovers for supper and laid down for a rest. When I remembered that the tablerunner was still in my trunk (I meant to take it to D to find matching tassels), I ran down to get it before the gate closed. Michele came home then but did not eat for hours. I hooked my MP3 player to the computer to remove songs I don't care for. That seemed to work. Then I coped/pasted songs from a DC onto the player. But then they wouldn't play. And the deleted songs still show up on the screen. After that I just couldn't get up the energy to do anything else, so I decided to blog and go to bed.
Did I mention that it was in the upper 30's today? I am NOT looking forward to another Korean winter. Can I go home now?

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