Saturday, April 7, 2012

Annual conference blocks

I got up early, surprised how cold it was. But it was warmer in the basement where I exercised. I fixed and ate breakfast. I was watching a video on Youtube about how sheriffs could take back the country because the federal gov't has no constitutional jurisdiction over them. Had to leave before it was over. I grabbed my trombone and stand and headed for church. I was there on time, the trumpet player was early, but the tuba player was late. The director showed us all the places in the program where we had to move, since we are only supposed to sit up front when we are playing. I realized that I should have practiced more, because my lips hurt afterwards. I stopped at a yard sale on the way home but did not find anything. I e-mailed some people on Freecycle to get someone over here to pick up the paper. But no one responded. I raked in the backyard for an hour, then had lunch and ate it outside. It is so nice out that I wish I could do my e-mail, but it is so hard to see the screen. I added block side borders to the quilt top and stretched it out on the dining room table to photograph it. Then I tried to print the stats for the Annual Conference block to design it downstairs. But the printer refused to cooperate. Even Chris could not make it run. One of the themes suggested for the block was Midwives for Haiti. So I got out every box of scraps in my sewing room, but could not find any pieces with babies on it. I ended up using some baby fabric left over from the Yongsan quilts. I printed the church name in ink because I did not want to drag out my embroidery machine and do the design from last year, or digitize a new one. Eventually I finished the block but was not very satisfied with it. Should I do another one, or just check it off the list and go on to the next project? Deb, the leader of the quilt group here, finishes all kinds of projects in addition to doing major yard work, and running her own website. Chris did laundry, fixed a vegetable soup, went to the library, and started gaming before 5. When I showed him my block, he thought it was ok. I ate his soup and drank some of the leftover mint tea. I took the supplements that I forgot to take this morning. I decided to sketch out my blog entry for later, then make another block. The center was simple. Then I tried several borders, and decided on the one showing the lady being of service. It fit the theme of the conference. Hopefully no one will know it is actually Red Riding Hood's mother.

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