Sunday, April 22, 2012

It Works!

We were late getting out of bed.  I rushed through breakfast, leaving the last few bites in the bowl.  I hurriedly dressed and ran out the door, leaving Chris in the shower.  The choir was already practicing, and I only made the last page of the choir anthem.  Elaine and I both needed more practice, so we found a piano in a classroom and played through our parts while the congregation was gathering for church.  Chris rang my phone to find me.  I met him in the fellowship hall and we walked in the sanctuary together.  We had a guest pastor give the sermon. He told us we should be so full of the power of the
resurrection that we can heal the sick, make the lame walk, etc.  He did not say if he had done any of those things.  After church I talked to Elaine, and Brenda.  Brenda told me about a sewing group that she belongs to that needs a teacher.  I also talked to the youth> advisor about their yardsale fundraiser next Saturday.  I can't attend because of Paducah, but can contribute packing paper and plastic bags, not to mention some 'stuff'.  Chris went to Publix, but I went home.  I watered plants until Chris came home.  We carried the groceries in.  I ate something, then we went outside.  I trimmed up his hair, but he would not return  the favor.  He says he earns enough money that I can pay someone to do it.  I put the ingredients for a loaf of bread into the machine.  Since I substituted a cup of rye flour for the wheat flour, it doesn't rise as well.  To counter that, I put it on the dough setting first.  When that setting finished, I reset it for the mix and bake cycle, thinking the extra rise will help it.  Nope, it came out smaller than last week.  Chris installed the scanner/fax/printer unit that I bought on a yardsale.  I watched.  It took the place of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's twin.  It works great, but we may need to buy a new cartridge soon.  Still, it is the best $6 I have spent.  I started reading my e-mail. Chris went down to watch Blade, a movie he rented on post yesterday.  I found a really old copy of my resume and updated it (adding 20 years).  I e-mailed it to the lady who is looking for someone to write test questions, at her request.  I got the urge to watch the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang movie.  Or at least listen to it.  I put it on the TV downstairs and enjoyed the familiar music and dialog as I trimmed the baby quilt from Saturday, then folded the backing to the front and stitched it down.  I also appliqued the label on the back.  I had just started checking the purple quilt for binding abnormalities when Chris came down and asked if I wanted supper.  It was 8 already!  So I fixed a plate and brought it down so we could watch TV together.  Tonight's selection was "Babylon 5: A Call to Arms". When it was over, Chris took out the garbage and took a last look at his e-mail.  As did I before we went to bed.

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