Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday

I fired up my laptop to get an audio going. There is a new one everyday and each one lasts
about 100 minutes. Who do they think has that kind of time? I listened to it while I bounced on the rebounder. Then I had breakfast. I offered my packing paper one last time on Freecycle. But this time I got responses, at least 4 of them so far. Instead of going outside where yard work could get a hold of me, I went down to cut and sew narrow borders on Steven's quilt. Then I had lunch outside and did some meditation. I came in to watch BBT and Castle on the computer. So glad March Madness is over. Claire called to tell me where I could order and pick up raw milk. Maryann and Steven Skyped me just as I was about to go back out for one last errand. Steven showed me the pics he took at an anime convention - mostly cute young women dressed in costumes. Chris came home early. After Skype, I picked up the dead weeds from yesterday. We ate an early supper. I practiced my trombone one last time, then took a shower and dressed for
church in dark blue pants and a pink shirt. I had a few minutes, so I cut and sewed on a wide border to the quilt top. We left immediately for the Friday night service. There were enough people wearing black that there must have been a memo that I didn't get. The choir sang three times. The third time we were singing in the dark, having memorized our parts. The congregation left in silence. When we got home, Chris tried to contact Michele, but she was not responding to Facebook, e-mail, or Skype. I went down to iron the last two seams on the quilt top. Chris came down and loaded a movie in the DVD player. We watched "Letters to Juliet". It was very romantic. And now it's bed time and I have to find a pic to post with this entry.

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