Thursday, April 19, 2012

April monthly meeting

When I woke up, it was quiet so I assumed Chris had already gone to work. When I found out he was still here, I went back to bed. I listened to few meditations on my ipod. Then I got dressed, put on the latest audio, and took out the recyclables. I also had time to jump, and to fix breakfast before a lady showed up to get cucumber seedlings. Then I had time to eat, and process some e-mail. I got in some more audios while ironing. I went to the carport to pack my car with cardboard and boxes. One of the pieces had a spider on it, which I did not notice until later. I saw a chipmunk run out of the pile of cardboard and wonder if that is what is chewing up the paper. I don't know why, but I would rather it were chipmunks than rats. I was going to head directly to the recycle center, but a lady called for seedlings so I decided to wait until after she came. I raked 2 and a half boxes of leaves from under the magnolia tree. She arrived and took 6 seedlings. Then I headed for recycling. When I got there, I unloaded the cardboard and paper, hoping the spider went with it. I asked for a home recycle bin, but they told me I had to go to their commercial building. So I drove over there. They gave me a bin, and told me that they were behind, still working on February. I couldn't help mentioning that I had ordered mine in January. I will try not to draw any conclusions. I took the bin home and left it in the carport. I left the windows down to air out the car. I found another e-mail from someone who wanted seedlings and one from a lady who was supposed to come, but now she doesn't feel well. I try not to draw any conclusions from this either. I've had 6 responses so far, but people change their minds, I guess. Chris came home...and we fell asleep. When I got up, it was time for the HHQ meeting. I went by myself since Linda couldn't make it. I picked up another quilt top kit for a comfort quilt. During the meeting the program was a slide show of a quilt exhibit of red and white quilts. It was spectacular. We also had show-and-tell. The meeting broke up about 8:30 and I hung around to meet a few people. When I got home, Chris and I watched B5; The River of Souls. Martin Sheen makes a cool soulhunter. As soon as I arrange a pic for this post, I am going to bed.

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