Sunday, April 15, 2012

Doubles as an ironing mat

Even though we got up in plenty of time to make church, somehow we walked in while the pastor was making announcements. I was horribly embarrassed. I apologized after church. Then we went to Publix for the usual groceries. After putting them away, we went to Home Depot for ant bait, which brings me to a new word that I learned on game night. The word is formication. My guess was that it referred to putting a Formica topping on a table. But no, it is the tactile hallucination that bugs are crawling all over you. That did not sound right, so I looked it up. Yep. Then I looked up formicate. It means to crawl like an ant. Well, I do get the sensation of ants crawling on me, but it isn't a hallucination. That is why we bought ant bait. After setting out the bait, we ate lunch. I went outside to spend an hour in the sun raking. When I came in, William called. Of course he was at Goodwill. He must go there 7 days a week. Then I went down to finish the iron caddy. When I got to the part where I had to handsew the binding, I came up to have supper. Chris cooked leg quarters in barbeque sauce. I sewed while watching an old MASH rerun in the TV upstairs. When he was finished with his e-mail, we went down to watch NCIS. I kept sewing until I finished the binding and put on the buttons. When we'd seen everything on the DVD, we called it a day, and went to bed.

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