Saturday, April 14, 2012

Iron caddy and neighborhood yard sale

I woke up at 8, which was kind of early considering how late we were up last night. I skipped the bouncing, and went straight for breakfast. I found time to water the cucumber sproutings before digging some up for Deb. I also put in a few black-eyed susans. I loaded the sewing stuff into the car, along with the cup of sprouts. I passed numerous yard sale signs on the way to UAH, arriving about 20 minutes late. The iron caddy class was already in progress. Jen had bought kits for all of us. All we had to bring was the cover fabric (and basic sewing supplies). She had the pattern in four pieces, so I had to tape them together first. Then I used that to make a pattern on a sheet of packing paper that I'd brought. The next step was to pin the paper to the stack of focus fabric, batting, and heat-resistant fabric. Well, it did not pin nicely, and I wanted a smooth product. So I sewed the center rectangle, but basted the other lines before sewing them. Then I removed the paper in pieces. The pattern was ruined, which was why I had copied it first. The others were ahead of me and had packed up and gone home by then. So I called it quits too. That was about 12:30. On the way home I passed a neighborhood yard sale. I stopped here and there. I bought some fabric before I remembered my vow not to. But at 8 yards for $1, I am not going to beat myself up for it. I also got a printer and scanner/printer for $6. When I got home, I replaced my printer with the 'new' one which was the same model. It worked perfectly. I had a bite for lunch, then went out to get some sun. I started weeding the garden and couldn't stop. I came in about 5 for supper. Chris was watching Hellboy II in the basement, so I sat and watched it too. Then he put fish in the oven for supper and discovered that the voices were gaming without him. But they let him join in anyway. I read e-mail and followed links until Kurt called to tell me I was wanted on Skype. They were celebrating my mom's birthday. So I got to join in vicariously. I took her on a tour of our house. We sang Happy Birthday, she ate cake and opened her gift. I asked Kurt to pick up a bouquet of flowers for her. Faye arranged it in a jar, so it was kind of from all of us. When the party was over, I signed off. When Chris' game was over, Michele Skyped me and we had a nice chat. She is doing well and likes her job at Craftworks. I only ended that call because it was so late and I have to get up for church in the morning.

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