Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Another day, another block (or two)

I got up to write my blog post from last night and got sucked into trying to solve my laptop's refusal to connect to the internet without the D-link.  I gave up and plugged it in so I could read e-mail.  Then I remembered to put on the latest audio.  I wrote the post, and took my laptop outside to listen while I watered the vegetables.  I noticed that the hydrangea is in the process of blooming.  I jumped on the rebounder and fixed breakfast.  I read my e-mail and listened to another audio while working on the binding.  I took a break to rake under the magnolia tree.  I noticed that the grass in the ditch was high.  I don't think Charlie can get it short with his large mowing deck.  So I broke out my little mower and shortened the grass.  Then, just for kicks, I kept going to see how long the mower could go.  I finished most of the rest of the front lawn.   I checked e-mail again.  I finished the blocks I started yesterday and started two more.  I took the black and bright quilt outside so I had good light to finish the binding.  And I did finish, just as Chris came home from work.  While he changed around and had supper, I finished the blocks.  I had time to check e-mail one more time and take a shower before going to choir practice.  We women had to be there early to practice this Sunday's piece with the kids.  We did not get to leave early though.  When I got home, we watched several episodes of MASH, and went to bed (after checking e-mail again, just for giggles).
* another prize-winning quilt from the Paducah show *

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