Monday, May 14, 2012

Freecycling four o'clocks

There were two tapping audios available this morning, so I listened to them and tapped along while rebounding, and fixing and eating breakfast.  I had laundry to fold, but the audios were over before I got to it, so I will save the folding for tomorrow's audios.  I read my e-mail and then went outside for some barefoot time.  There was no sun, only wet grass, and rain on and off.  I checked on my tomatoes.  They all have little ones, but nothing turning red.  The one plant has two BIG tomatoes, but they are still green, sigh.  I weeded the brick enclosure near the garden.  The four o'clocks are taking over the flower beds, so I dug some up, actually lots of them.  One I planted in the enclosured.  The others I put in a bucket of water, then posted them on Freecycle.  Last time I posted on Freecycle, the moderators did not approve the message until 6pm, so I figured today was no different.  I washed the dirt off my hands and legs and came in.  I took some time to listen to two BWE Youtube audios.  I swept the ants out of the kitchen.  I marveled at how they ate the bait and kept going strong. (There is a scary hoard of them in the enclosure).  Then I went down to work on quilting.  I put a blue border on the ugly fabric quilt so that the edges (with all those seams) wouldn't stretch.  I just barely had enough blue to make it.  Then I pulled out the green kaleidoscope.  I googled images to see what kinds of borders have been done for it.  Most have a small inner border and a larger outerborder.  So I auditioned inner and outer borders.  I used a pink one, mitered at the corners.  But somehow it was wavy so I started taking it off.  Tomorrow I get another whack at it.  I heard Chris come home.  I went up to have supper.  I took a shower, and dressed a little nicer than usual.  I checked e-mail one last time to find people had been responding to my Freecycle offer all afternoon.  I warmed up the trombone, then packed it in the case and headed for Huntsville High School.  I arrived early.  Never having been there before, I wanted to do as the Romans do, but had to wait to see what that was.  We got to pick the parts we wanted to play, then sat in the appropriate section.  I met the guys to the right and left of me.  One is in high school, the other in college. I am old enough to be their mother.  There were two women trombone players, both older than college.  The two men were my age or older.  But I didn't tell anyone my age.  And no one asked me what school I go to:(  It did not last the whole two hours.  The music was relatively easy compared to what I expected.  Still, I will have to practice a few runs, and some tricky counting for next week.  When I got home, Chris was on his computer.  He did not want to watch MASH. I responded to a few Freecycle e-mailers. I ate a few pickled onions.  I read some e-mail, etc.  Now that my blog is written, the only thing left to do is find a pic to go with it.  Here is a lovely quilt from Paducah.

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