Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Finally finishing the purple quilt

It was a rainy wet morning.  I heard Chris close the garage door before he left.  That meant it was open all night.  I wonder who left it open?  I cued up the usual audios while I exercised, had breakfast and read e-mail.  I even worked on the purple quilt binding.  Charlie was supposed to mow the lawn, but it was too wet.  I planted some of the grass I dug out of the flowerbed yesterday.  I put it in place of the pokeweed I pulled up.  There is a weed which is flowering nicely in the front bed.  Others of its kind have sprung up in the grass, so I dug them out and replanted them with the first one.  I put something in a box for Michele and looked up the nearest post office thinking there had to be one closer than the one I went to last week.  I went back to work on the binding, this time watching Dragnet.  Chris came home and made fish for supper.  It was excellent.  He used chopped scape and baked it in the oven.  I went to choir practice.  It still took an hour even though we only have three Sundays left to sing for.  After that we are done for the summer.  I learned something new about my car.  If you sit inside and use the key fob to lock the door, then open the door, the car goes into panic mode.  Since I was in the church parking lot at the time, I went into panic mode too.  The car went BEEP BEEP BEEP, and I said .  I pushed all the buttons as fast as I could to quiet the car.  How embarrassing.  When I got home, we watched episodes of MASH.  Chris went to bed and I will probably go shortly. 
 * Another quilt at Paducah *

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