Sunday, May 6, 2012

Rained again

I woke up this morning to the sound of a frog-strangler: thunder, lightning and torrential rain.  I went to the basement and garage to check for water.  I moved stuff in the garage away from where the water was coming in and went back to bed.  We got up after alarm went off, and the rain had stopped.  I took a shower, ate, and dressed.  I had trouble getting my right earring in.  Chris tried very hard to help me, but the hole was partially closed.  Together we got it in and we were at church in time to practice with the choir.  Only the women sang this sunday, and the female children.  Maybe there aren't any boys in that age group?  After church we stopped at the grocery store, then went home.  I must have been tired because after taking off my church clothes, I fell asleep. When I woke up, I ate lunch.  Chris was putting two chickens in the oven for supper.  He also did several loads of laundry.  I checked my e-mail, then raked the leaves under the magnolia tree.  There were a lot after the downpour.  Our neighbor was out in his garden (which looks fantastic), so I talked to him about the garlic.  He asked if we ate fish,  and when I said we did, he brought out some fish he caught Friday night.  I put it in the freezer since tonight's supper was already in the oven.  I practiced my trombone until I couldn't play the upper notes any more.  By then supper was ready. We ate the chicken, and I picked salad greens from the yard.  I ate the salad and some frozen fruit to cool me off.  I listened to a couple of BWE audios on Youtube, and then we watched episodes of MASH, season 2.
* Winning quilt at Paducah *

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