Friday, May 25, 2012

We have company

When I got up this morning, my little toe was still hurting. And purple. I was very frustrated because I couldn't walk very well and I needed to be able to clean the house before Al and Cecily showed up. Chris said it could be broken, and I did not want to believe that. So I did some tapping and clearing stmts around all of that. The Law of Attraction says to concentrate on what you want, not what you don't want. So I concentrated on how nice it will be to have a clean house. I did squats instead of jumping on the rebounder. I fixed breakfast and ate it while reading e-mail and listening to some audios. I cut them short when the sales pitches started. Then I cleaned the house, starting with the bathroom. Actually, I wasn't that organized. I cleaned something in the kitchen, found myself near the bathroom so cleaned the sink and toilet, then vacuumed the family room, back to the kitchen, then the bedrooms, dusted in the living room, washed the tub, etc. Finally the top floor was done so I went down to clean the lower bathroom. That is when they arrived. Al was at the front door and Cecily went to the back. I let them both in. I gave them a tour of the house. Cecily showed me the turnips that her neighbor sent along. I ate one. We sat and talked for awhile, then Chris came home early. More talking. At 5:15 Chris said we should go out to eat and listed some places recommended by his coworkers. I changed into warmer clothes since restaurants are typically cold. I put on some black shoes and that is when I realized that I was walking normally and virtually painfree. Chris chose the Italian restaurant near Target. I think it was called Mezza Luna. First they put bread and oil on the table. Chris ate most of that. Then they brought an appetizer of flat bread and 3 toppings on the side. All three were spicy. I tasted the toppings, Cecily ate a piece of bread, Al had bread with a topping and Chris ate the rest. I was thinking how could he eat his meal? I ordered a salad with a side of wild mushrooms. I was glad I did when I saw how small the other meals were. Chris ate all of his, and part of his mother's. I ate all of mine plus some of Cecily's lamb. Al ate all of his. I was glad I only had the turnip for lunch. The salad was amazing and the goat cheese was out of this world. No one had room for dessert. We went home. We did a tour of the yard and garden. Cecily sat out on the deck. I watered the newest plantings and then talked to her. Chris came out with Michele Skyped on what will be Michele's new laptop. We talked to her until after the sun went down and the lightning bugs and mosquitoes came out. Then we said goodbye and went in. The others all went to bed and I alone am left to blog about it.
* quilt from Padukah *

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