Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Faye

I listened to one of the tapping audios last night, so only had one to listen to this morning.  There will be two more after 8pm, but they are the last in the series.  The longer ones however, continue with only a break on the weekends.  I was able to listen while jumping, and eating and checking e-mail.  I forgot to mention yesterday that I washed a lot of the fabric from the Paducah trip.  So today I ironed it all.  I thought one of them might make a nice border for the kaleidoscope quilt, but when I auditioned it, it didn't do anything.  I raked around the magnolia tree and got one and a half boxfuls.  It has been awhile since I raked, so the tree must be slowing down.  While I was raking, the UPS truck stopped by with a package.  I hadn't ordered anything so it was a surprise.  Turns out to be something my brother ordered for me.  What a guy!  It is my sister's birthday.
I put on my rubber gloves and hunted poison ivy.  I pulled up three sprigs. I dug up some four o'clocks from the back bed and planted them in the enclosure.  A lady came by and I gave her 10 morning glories and a small four o'clock.  I also dug up some black-eyed susans for her.  She seemed very nice in person.  Her Freecycle e-mails were a little pushy.  I opened a pkg of Nasturtium seeds.  I roughed 'em up a little and planted them by the enclosure.  I'll have to make sure Charlie doesn't weed whack this planting like he did the last ones.  I don't think he checks to see what he is whacking.  I took a shower and had just finished when Chris came home.  We ate a few leftovers from the fridge.  Then I went to choir practice and he went to a Spanish bible study at a nearby church.  I did not know, so I was surprised that he wasn't home when I got home.  At practice we signed a card for the pastor's 60th birthday.  They are having a party for him this weekend.  Actually lots of things are scheduled for this weekend.  I think it is because it falls between Mother's Day and Memorial Day.  I practiced band music until Chris came home, then we watched MASH until almost 11.  He made me promise to pack tomorrow.   

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