Wednesday, June 27, 2012

53 years together!

Today is my parent's 53rd anniversary. So what did we do? Well, Mom spent the morning sitting on the deck in her wheelchair until Dad got lunch ready. After lunch we went to the mall to get Michele a present. We could not find exactly what I had in mind, so we bought something else. We stopped at the plant stand in front of Chesterfield Mall to get some begonias for Mom. And we went to Sears to get Mom's glasses adjusted. I should've had mine done, too. Then we went to the garage to pick up the Oldsmobile. I drove it home. While waiting for Dad to do whatever he did , I gave Mom a sponge bath and dressed her to eat out. Dad put her in the car and he drove us to Hong Kong King Buffet. Faye was already there and Kevin joined us soon after. Faye fixed Mom a plate and I fed her while Faye got her own plate. Then Faye fed her. Faye had a card for the happy couple. I guess they enjoyed their meals because they ate more than the rest of us. Faye paid for it all and Dad left a tip. They fought over the check, but Faye's fortune cookie gave her the edge. I took their picture, and then we went home. Faye followed us in order to check addresses with Dad. I read to Mom in the bathroom, then took her out to the den. She read a book while I removed a splinter from my hand, and listened to an audio. Faye left about 10, having to be at work at 11. I put Mom to bed, then returned to my audio (it says it is 3 hours long:( It isn't over yet, but I am going to bed anyway.

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