Saturday, June 9, 2012

New home for Scoby

Breakfast was late this morning. First because of Chris and then because of the man next door. He had gotten out his chipper and was making mulch out of his stick pile and mine. I went out to ask him if he wanted pinecones or leaves. He agreed to both. The pine cones did well, but the leaves came out whole. I discovered that I was standing right next to poison ivy. So I quickly got my trowel and rubber gloves to dig it up. I washed the gloves, then took a shower and re-dressed. He was done then, but I went over to talk to his wife. The deer was eating their garden, too. Finally I came in for breakfast, and it was almost noon. After breakfast and e-mail, I decided to go shopping for a few things on a list I have been compiling this week. Barbara had given me a few stores to try. So I went out, into places I had never driven before. I did find the 'triangle' consisting of Home Depot, Lowes, and Sam's Club. But I did not find the overstock
stores. I was able to get most of what I needed, except for the washcloth and icepacks. So I broke down and went to WalMart. They had both. While I was there, I saw dish drainers. Mine is missing the rubber mat underneath. But for reasons I won't go into, I did not like the ones at WalMart, so I went next door to Dollar General. A man approached me and asked for money saying he hadn't eaten for three days. I had no way of knowing if this was true or not, but thought it could be a scam of some kind. I told him I was going in the store and would see him when I came out. While I was in the store, another man approached me. I think he was just trying to make conversation. They had the same strainer as WalMart. But I found a plastic try for $2. I asked the cashier about the man out front and she said she didn't know him. I kept $2 out of my wallet, so I could hand it to him without opening my purse in front of him. I got back in my car and
drove home. I showed Chris the lovely beverage dispenser that I got for the kombucha. I rinsed it out well, and poured the drink in. I put the ice packs in the freezer. I used the cord I got at Radio Shack to connect my laptop to the stereo system. It worked! E-mail had come in and I cleared it out. Chris made onion soup and I had a bowl while he was gaming with the voices (including Michele). I also had a shot glass of the kombucha. It was good, but strong. It was better in a glass of cold water. I had one audio to listen to. So I started it playing on my laptop, then put it in a backpack and went outside to rake and mow. I got maybe 3/4 of the front yard done. Then when I came in, there wasn't much e-mail, so I researched sensory deprivation tanks. There are places you can go, like spas, to experience one. But the closest one is in Atlanta. One google hit hinted that there is one at Redstone Arsenal. So I searched for more of that. What came up was an article saying they used it to simulate sex in space. Did I need to know that? Then I came across an article about a woman living in a flooded house with an amorous dolphin. I didn't need to know about that, either. The container didn't look very full, so I brewed another gallon of sweet tea to make more kombucha. When the gaming was over, Michele skyped me and we had a nice chat. When I heard that she needed to write two pages of her end-of-the-year paper, I hung up. Now Chris has gone to bed, and I will go shortly.

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