Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hey Grandpa, what's for supper?

I started fixing breakfast before Chris came out to the kitchen. However I wasn't quite finished so he had to wait to start his coffee. After breakfast, I took a shower and got dressed. I wore a skirt and top I made in Korea. But they didn't look any better on me now than they did then. Still can't figure out what the problem is, or the solution. Anyway, I changed clothes. I wore a long sleeve white top and a dark blue skirt with white flats. Does it really matter what I wore? Apparently it did. When we got to church, I walked up to the usher to get a bulletin. One of the other ushers called me by name. He was old, stooped over, and vaguely familiar. I turned towards him to shake his hand, but he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek (possibly because I turned my head). He stepped back, looked me over, and said "Not bad." I looked around for Chris but he was gone. I hurried into the sanctuary wondering why these things happen to me. Next time I hope to have Michele with me for protection.
Because today is Father's Day, there was a topical sermon and the same little girls that handed out roses on Mother's Day, handed out a paper for Father's Day. After the service, I was looking at the new paraments which were pieced and quilted. The organist came to talk to me. She said some of them might need replacing if I were interested. When Chris came over, we left for Publix. We got groceries and took them home. Chris started putting them away, but I changed first. I gave Chris what he has been saying he wants for years now. (I am looking forward to regular clothing tomorrow). I helped put the rest of the food away. I had a can of organic soup for lunch. I went outside for my 20 minutes in the sun. Then I sat near the garden and read a book. I came in to recharge my laptop and read e-mail. I took the irons and the ironing board down to the sewing room. I searched through bags of scraps for yellow pieces. I pulled out my stack of yellows from my stash, and it was smaller than I had thought. Then I sat on the couch to look through quilting magazines for an appropriate pattern. I narrowed the list to three. I was getting chilly, so I took those three magazines outside with a piece of paper. I sat in the sun while doing the math to figure out how many of what size squares I needed to make each quilt to a certain size. Then I came in. Chris was making supper and playing a game on his computer. I read more e-mail, searched the net extensively for pics of scrap quilts, crazy quilts, and one color quilts. Then I folded the laundry from yesterday. When supper was ready, he pulled the pork roast from the oven and sliced me a piece. We also had quinoa and asparagus. Oh, and I fixed a salad of fresh cucumber and broccoli sprouts. I have never had such a good crop of cucumbers as this year. When he came to a good stopping place in his game, he went down to warm up the DVD player while I loaded the dishwasher. Then we watched the usual 4 episodes of NCIS. Chris has gone to bed, and I am finishing this post with a pick of supper.

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