Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Scoby springs a leak

I got up, and started one audio, deleting the rest. I put my laptop in a backpack and watered the plants. I found and picked the largest cucumber yet. I jumped on the rebounder, then prepared and ate breakfast. I started a new batch of fermented coconut milk. I read my e-mail, and put one scoby and the tea back in the scoby home. I poured the pepper water into the blender to puree it. I squeezed it through a coffee filter twice to strain the bits out. I used it to make a recipe with alcohol and soap to spray on white flies. I sprayed it, noticing that there are fewer white flies around than yesterday. I trimmed another bush, then cleaned up all the trimmings from yesterday and today. I laid out in the sun for 20 minutes. I noticed that the scoby home was leaking. I tried tightening the spout, but all it did was leak slower. I put scoby in a jar with its tea. I tightened the spout again, and put some water in the jar, but it kept leaking.
Chris called to say he'd be late. I read more e-mail, and then went through some songs on the piano so see if one was good for an audition. Chris came home about 6:30. He ate supper and worked on the spout. It still leaks. Since I did not ever loosen it, I don't know why it leaks now when it didn't before. We watched three episodes of NCIS, and then Chris went to bed. It is not even 10 yet so I am staying up for awhile.
* This is my grandmother's sewing machine. It sewed through 6 layers of heavy upholstery material on Friday. *

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