Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Guild night

I started my day with e-mail and a CD called "Effortless Efficiency". I did exercises, and fixed breakfast. I put a check in the mail. There were the usual daily audios. I listened to them while folding laundry, unloading the dishwasher, and cleaning up in the kitchen. I cut up some turnips and put them in jars with kimchi to ferment. I washed a small jar and put a skoby (which stands for Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast) into it for Lisa. I did not need to water because it rained again last night, but I did review the garden. I got a tomato and a turnip leaf. The cucumbers are getting noticeably bigger every day. I also did some sewing. I worked on the setting triangles for the kaleidoscope. I added to a backing so that it would be enough for my quilt and the donation top. I ironed and folded the backing, the green kaleidoscope, and the donation top for transport. I went outside to rake up the fallen petals around the magnolia tree. I figured Chris would be home at any moment. I completely forgot that Venus was making its transit across the sun, so I missed it even though all I had to do was look up. I also dug tufts of grass from the cracks in the driveway. Finally I went in. I discovered it was 5:30 and I needed to get ready for quilt guild. I called Chris to see where he was, and he was almost home. He had picked his car up from the shop and dropped mine off. He changed clothes while I cleaned up. Then he drove me to quilt guild. He sat in the back of the room with his laptop. The meeting was more lively and informative than usual. One lady is a fabric rep and offered to put in a guild order at cost. Another lady was looking for teachers for a 3 day event. Lisa and I jumped on that offer. I gave Linda my backing and two tops. She will provide the batting and quilting. I gave Lisa the skoby. After the meeting Chris drove us home. I realized that we hadn't eaten supper. Supposedly there is a healing process your body can only perform when it isn't digesting any food, so we just didn't eat. Chris said it was too late to watch any TV but that was two hours ago and we are still up, using our laptops.
* I forgot my camera, so here is a quilt from Paducah that I don't think I've posted before *

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