Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Mom's best day

I got up when I heard my father walk my mom out to the den. I went out to help Mom eat and to fix my own breakfast. After breakfast, they went to the fitness center. I stayed behind to listen to two audios, dress, sunbathe and read e-mail. In one e-mail I read that Gail is in the hospital. I hope they give her something better then dogslobber (don't ask, inside joke) I am glad to hear she is getting better. My parents were home by noon. Dad fixed lunch while I gave Mom some kombucha tea and read to her. We ate lunch (with kimchi). Dad did whatever it is he does that is amazingly devoid of actual results. I think he was getting ready for Kevin to come and clean and cook. We looked at the chair wheels that are broken to see how they come off and made plans to find new ones at Lowes. I found something really yucky spilled on a side table in the diningroom. I put the table coverings in a bucket to soak. Kevin came over between 3 and 4. Dad decided to take the car to the garage, then walk to the bank and back home, at which point we would go to Lowes together. Mom decided she wanted to crochet. I did not know where her crochet cotton was, so I helped her up. First she went to the hall closet, but didn't find it. Then she went beside her bed, reached over the headboard and lifted a good-size suitcase from behind it. She took out the yarn, then put it back. I was surprised to see her do this. Then she asked for a crochet hook. I gave her the case and she selected one. I didn't think she could crochet with her right hand all fisted, but she did! Then she wanted to go out to the deck. She asked for a trowel. She dug a hole in the flower box, and asked for her spider plant. I grabbed one of the babies for her. She laughed at it, but planted it. Then she asked again for the plant. I didn't think it would fit, but I gave it to her anyway. She dug another hole and stuck it in there, requesting that I water it. Then she walked out to the garden, looking for mint. I assisted her, but she found mint I couldn't see. She told me to dig some up and take it along to Huntsville. I told her I would do it Friday. Then she wanted to buy begonias to plant. Thankfully she got distracted watching the neighbors. Then she wanted me to send some e-mails for her. I got worried when Dad was not home by 6:30 because the bank closes at 5. But then he showed up, having walked to Lowes without me, and having spent 20 minutes in a car out front writing in his checkbook. He took Mom for a walk and I followed them with the wheelchair. She walked at least half the way without his assistance. Another wow! They went to the end of the street and back. Then he decided to push her around the neighborhood. I stayed back to talk to Kevin who was finishing up the casseroles. He left about the time they got back. Dad started fixing supper (which was odd since Kevin had just done it). I took Mom to the bathroom and read to her. In all that time, Dad accomplished cutting the casserole into 14 precisely equal pieces with a ruler. It was 9 by the time we sat down to eat. Mom got to watch her show until then. After supper I sat down to read e-mail while my father completed whatever after-supper rituals he regularly did. I was listening to an audio on sprouting when he started marching Mom to bed. I took over so he could record events in his diary. I put Mom to bed with the mp3 player on playing a delta sleep session. I hope it helps her. It is late now, but I am going to post pics for the previous couple of posts before I go to bed. At least tonight I will have a pillow.
* Here are my parents coming home from the fitness center. *

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