Saturday, June 2, 2012

Free-sew day leads to a donation quilt top

I woke up slowly from a dream about Chris, to find that he wasn't there. He'd already left for Atlanta. He had invited me to go, but I have had enough long car trips for awhile. It was 8am. I fixed breakfast and quickly went through my e-mail. Then I packed seaweed and a can of pineapple for lunch. Downstairs, I packed my 'other' machine and some sewing supplies. I did not want to pack and unpack my regular machine again. Not sure what to work on, I threw some things in the box and left. On the way to sewing day, I followed some yard sale signs. I did not find anything worth buying however. Instead of taking my usual route, I took Memorial to University, which turned out to be faster. I arrived at 10. I was surprised how many ladies had turned out for our free-sew day. Deb's book order had come in, so I paid for the three that were mine. Lisa brought back one set of DVD's that I lent her. I promised to bring her a skoby on Tuesday night. I checked out what everyone else was doing before I settled down for the day. I started with the blue kaleidoscope, but found I needed stuff I hadn't brought. So I moved on to the quilt kit that I picked up at the HQH meeting. It came with squares of fabric and a pattern, which was in diagonal rows. It was a kindness to call them squares. So I re-cut each one. Then I sewed them in rows. By then the group had paused for lunch, so I did too. After lunch I attempted to sew the rows together. The 'other' machine was not very cooperative. At one point I had only two rows left, but was spending more time rethreading the machine than actually sewing, so I packed up all my stuff. I helped another lady carry her stuff out. Then I helped Deb turn her dresden plate into a square. There were only three of us then and we all helped each other get our stuff out to the parking lot. Amazingly, it was 5 and time to leave anyway. When I got home, I ate supper, then went outside water the plants, and peruse my domain. I ate two of the tomatoes and some
spinach. I brought out my laptop to listen to a few audios while connecting with the earth. Then I came in to sew. I finished the donation quilt, and thought really hard about the kaleidoscope quilt. I spent quite some time refining the points so they would lay flat. I put on the next CD of the book. Then I thought a lot more. Finally I cut the twelve sided kaleidoscope down to six sides. I'll figure out what to do with them tomorrow.

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