Saturday, June 16, 2012

Purse class at my house

I got up early with Chris. He helped me add the last leaf to the diningroom table. I read e-mail and fixed breakfast. I skimmed the white stuff on the top of the kombucha tea. I put the scoby into quarantine. I set up an ironing board in the living room. When I plugged in the iron, it didn't work. I tried it in several other outlets, then got another iron. But it did not work in the first outlet either. I think that outlet is faulty. I was listening to the second audio of the day when Deb called to say she'd be late 'cause she had to stop for another zipper. But that was good 'cause Linda showed up on time and brought her book of quilting patterns. We discussed which ones to use on my kaleidoscope quilt. When Deb came over, I showed them my sewing room, but we set up the sewing machines in the dining room. They cut their bag bodies downstairs. Deb hadn't cut her pieces yet so she did that while LInda started sewing. It all went well, mostly. Deb's fabric was really thick and she had trouble turning the straps. She cut another, wider, set and that went much better. In sewing them on, there were so many layers that both her machine and my machine balked. However, Grandma's all-metal Pfaff from the '60's did the job. Deb left about 4:30. I put a few things away and donned my bathing suit. Chris was driving up as I went out to lay in the sun. Ten minutes (one short audio) on each side. (Let me just say here that if you are ever feeling lonely, ignored, rejected, then go outside and lay on the ground. Every bug in the vicinity will visit you. You will be very popular in a short time. And if you sweat, you will be their dream come true. ) I settled in to read e-mail for awhile since I did not have much time earlier. Chris was going to play with the voices, but only one voice showed up. Still, it was so loud that I moved to the bedroom for some peace and quiet. Chris came back later to say the game was canceled and did I want to have a bowl of soup and. or watch the next season of NCIS? He brought me the onion soup, I finished the audio I was listening to and then we watched TV. Now I don't know if onion soup and 4 episodes of NCIS constitute dinner and a movie, but my blog did not get written until the next morning.

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