Friday, June 29, 2012

Shopping at the mall

I slept really well last night. I was listening to something on my ipod and all of a sudden it was morning. Late morning. Mom and Dad had already finished breakfast. Mom was in the bathroom. I read to her for awhile, then changed her shirt from long sleeves to no sleeves. I brought her back to the den and fixed my own breakfast. I put some of the yellow scrapings from her scalp in an envelope for the doctor to see on Monday. Then Dad took her to the hairdresser to get her hair washed. I used that time to wash the tablecloths that had been soaking since Tuesday. I also watered her begonias and put in a blue glass bulb thingy that supposedly waters the pot as it dries out. When they got home, Dad wanted to take Michele to the mall to buy her a birthday present. Chris called to say he got out early and was on his way down. So we all went to Sears. I stopped at the optical center to get my glasses bent into shape. The lady told me how much she liked my parents who apparently come in a lot. Michele went with Mom and Dad to the jewelry section to look at earrings. Dad came back to tell me Michele needed my help in choosing. Soon my glasses were fitted and I went to help her. She was so cute exclaiming over all the ones she liked. Even I, who don't wear much jewelry, bought myself a pair. While Dad paid for her selection, Michele tried on hats. The saleslady said she was worth a picture, so I took several. Then we went to 'Garden something' which was just down the corridor from Sears. We helped Dad pick a new picture frame for the broken one that had their 50th wedding photo. We got home before Chris arrived. It was after lunchtime, so Dad started getting the apples ready. Chris arrived soon after, but neither he nor Michele wanted lunch. I packed my suitcase so Chris could take it out. I made myself a salad with kimchi on top. Michele did eat a little kimchi. After lunch Dad talked to Michele and Chris. I checked my e-mail, then grabbed the tablecloths from the clothes line and re-dressed the side table in the diningroom. I folded and put away all the blankets we used and stored the extra pillows. I said goodbye to my Mom, and then we all said goodbye to Dad and headed toward my in-laws house. Cecily had marinated steaks. She cooked the vegetables while Alfred grilled the steaks. We ate supper then sat around chatting. When the group broke up, I went out back to get some fresh blackberries. Chris came out to watch me and pick a few. Michele and Alfred also stopped in briefly. When we were all inside, three of us sat with our laptops while Cecily put the dishes in the dishwasher. Alfred got out his laptop to join us and Cecily watched Olympic swimming trials. Chris went to bed early.

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