Sunday, September 2, 2012

My sewing room is in pieces

After clearing e-mail and having breakfast, I spent most of the day picking up scraps in my sewing room and then organizing them. I found an unfinished Grandmother's flower garden project from an estate sale. I packaged it to give to the guild for their auction. I found an unfinished bargello project from same sale and left it out to work on. Several other projects came to light but I am not sure what they were intended to be. One was a Delectable Mountain pattern leftovers. I made a few more blocks and laid them out on the table. Now, do I want to finish it, or pack it up and let someone else do it? Chris started the laundry. While I was in my sewing room, I kept the machines going. When all the laundry was done, I did a load of fabrics, which I then laid across the washing machine so I can iron them later. I got so tired that I laid on the floor for awhile. Chris was too busy playing a computer game to watch TV with me, and that was all I had energy for. So I went to bed. Only the bedclothes were still in the laundry basket after coming out of the dryer. I fell asleep in the guest room. I have no idea what time it was. Later, Chris went to bed, but he slept on the unmade bed. He said it was 2am.

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